happyespresso: beast at night
happyespresso: garbage shot
happyespresso: garbage shot
happyespresso: water system hook up
happyespresso: detergent cleaning
happyespresso: the espresso
happyespresso: above shot
happyespresso: at the middle of the pour
happyespresso: few seconds after the first gush
happyespresso: the first gush
happyespresso: first try on the milk
happyespresso: staub tamp
happyespresso: after checking the dose
happyespresso: check the clearance
happyespresso: wet puck
happyespresso: dumping off
happyespresso: after brewing
happyespresso: clean it
happyespresso: clean shower screen
happyespresso: 9bar pressure
happyespresso: 14g basket
happyespresso: 14g basket-end
happyespresso: 16g basket
happyespresso: temp test
happyespresso: my thermometer set-up
happyespresso: espresso shoot-out