deew27: 60/365 - Getting ready to leave for Donuts for Dad breakfast at school
deew27: Months
deew27: 62/365 - Awwww, they really do like each other!
deew27: Finally getting a trip to the park in before the weather turns again
deew27: 63/365 - Hubby tuning up my dusty guitar
deew27: 64/365 - My little model
deew27: IMG_5917
deew27: IMG_5908
deew27: IMG_5906
deew27: IMG_5896
deew27: Mario
deew27: 65/365 - Mommy said no, so she asked Daddy instead
deew27: Zach & Izzy
deew27: 66/365 - Must be something interesting going on out there
deew27: 67/365 - Laissez les bon temps rouler!
deew27: Since it is Fat Tuesday and all...
deew27: 68/365 - Even the crayons are marked with a .com these days
deew27: 69/365 - She says her smiles are hiding in her tummy
deew27: 70/365 - Cowboy T-ball
deew27: Evie says she's ready for baseball season!
deew27: 71/365 - Caitlin
deew27: 72/365 - Chasing Bubbles
deew27: 73/365 - Not a fan of the snow, but it is pretty
deew27: 74/365 - Snow Yesterday, Green Today
deew27: No Fear
deew27: Waiting (im)patiently for brother's lessons to get done
deew27: 75/365 - My Little Swimmer
deew27: 76/365 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!
deew27: My Lucky Charm
deew27: The last day of being 2