deew27: 1/365 - Brady
deew27: 2/365 - Bill Paying Night
deew27: 3/365 - Ducky
deew27: 4/365 - Baby Girl
deew27: 5/365 - Alone
deew27: 6/365 - Sick Little Monkey
deew27: 7/365 - Zach & Daddy Movie Night
deew27: 8/365 - Wheeee!
deew27: 9/365 - My favorite snack
deew27: 10/365 - Snow Day!
deew27: 11/365 - Someday This Will Be The Coolest Blanket Ever
deew27: 12/365 - How My Children Will Remember Me
deew27: 13/365 - Half Mast
deew27: 14/365 - Bath Time!
deew27: 15/365 - Date Night
deew27: 16/365 - Bass
deew27: 17/365 - Straws
deew27: 18/365 - My Favorite Lamp
deew27: 19/365 - The snow that made my 45 minute drive (with kid pick-up) a 2 1/2 hour drive
deew27: 20/365 - The snow is making some beautiful window light today
deew27: 21/365 - Sorry, I'm too busy playing with my new toy to take a good photo tonight
deew27: 22/365 - TV Time
deew27: 23/365 - Brayden
deew27: 25/365 - Connect Four! (I think they may be making up their own rules.)
deew27: 24/365 - My laundry is never caught up unless my MIL is visiting
deew27: 26/365 - Snuggle Time
deew27: 27/365 - The Best Part of Wakin' Up
deew27: 28/365 - Movie Night Snuggle Time
deew27: 29/365 - Ready for Grandma's
deew27: 30/365 - Groundhog Run. Done!