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Misc. Wakulla County and surrounding areas by Marsh, D.
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Marsh, D.
The Nina and Pinta replicas port in Saint Marks, Florida
Marsh, D.
Pinta and Nina replicas port in Saint Marks, Florida
Marsh, D.
The Nina and Pinta replicas port in Saint Marks, Florida
Marsh, D.
Pinta and Nina replicas port in Saint Marks, Florida
Marsh, D.
The Nina and Pinta replicas port in Saint Marks, Florida
Marsh, D.
Pinta and Nina replicas port in Saint Marks, Florida
Marsh, D.
Charles and Joan E Smith
Marsh, D.
My grandparents performing on Valentine's Day
Marsh, D.
My grandparents performing on Valentine's Day
Marsh, D.
Grandparents performing
Marsh, D.
Grandparents wishing Great Aunt a happy Nameday
Marsh, D.
T-Bear at the human table
Marsh, D.
Cormorant taking flight
Marsh, D.
with a juvie gray rat snake
Marsh, D.
Releasing juvie gray rat snake
Marsh, D.
Relocating juvie gray rat snake to a nearby property owned by a relative
Marsh, D.
Relocating gray rat snake I picked up off road in my Nikon satchel
Marsh, D.
Gray Rat Snake - picked up off road
Marsh, D.
Gray Rat Snake - picked up off road
Marsh, D.
Juvenile Gray Rat Snake basking on the road
Marsh, D.
Eastern Fence Lizard
Marsh, D.
Dog Pond - Apalachicola National Forest
Marsh, D.
Eastern Six-lined Racerunner - never a decent shot
Marsh, D.
Eastern Six-lined Racerunner
Marsh, D.
Apalachicola National Forest
Marsh, D.
Eastern Fence Lizard - well camouflaged
Marsh, D.
Beautiful stone centipede - Lithobius genus
Marsh, D.
Eastern Narrowmouth Toad - blending in
Marsh, D.
Eastern Prickly Pear
Marsh, D.
Skinny little male green anole
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