MumDee: photo op
MumDee: Candle shop
MumDee: sitting with the skeleton
MumDee: Santa's workshop
MumDee: santas shop
MumDee: king and queen for a day
MumDee: with the nutcracker
MumDee: trees
MumDee: it's snowing
MumDee: taking a break
MumDee: haloween town
MumDee: Halloween town
MumDee: Halloween town
MumDee: In the forest
MumDee: Cait posing
MumDee: Polar bear
MumDee: Lion
MumDee: ah...a snake
MumDee: smallest horse?
MumDee: largest horse
MumDee: he's 8 ft. tall
MumDee: horse
MumDee: camel
MumDee: kissy face
MumDee: elephant rides
MumDee: petting zoo
MumDee: ew
MumDee: dizzy kids
MumDee: fun house
MumDee: toon house