dees-image: SWAN SILHOUETTE #8 border
dees-image: thongs elliston enhance 0703230004
dees-image: for alice - swan - just for fun
dees-image: How beautiful you are ~ I'd gaze at myself too ~ If I looked as beautiful as you ~ (Yve) ~ swan fantasy - dedicated to Rachel and Martin - dees-image personal favourite for 2007 so far ....
dees-image: boris in dark - watercoloured (eye not watercoloured) & fiddled
dees-image: dees self portrait - violet/orange gradient filter in elements 2 used.
dees-image: second valley - altered reality
dees-image: second valley south australia various effects but nothing added to scene
dees-image: leafy sea dragon exhibition entry 2007
dees-image: pic of myself by club member ron hope 2006 - effects by dees-image
dees-image: railway crossing port elliot south australia - with effects
dees-image: ink outlines and gradient map exercise - powerline grampians
dees-image: dedicated to glen campbell
dees-image: mandevilles coffee palace maryborough victoria
dees-image: DSCF3730
dees-image: exiekd -- jxeddx -- yuexie --
dees-image: 9.5 points out of 10 (in large colour prints) from judge don smith on 15 June '07
dees-image: just for fun from 7th floor target - ruthven mansions city scape 30th august 2007
dees-image: beach shacks overlooking "dump beach" midway between victor harbor and port elliot south australia
dees-image: 19th beacon sunday 20th april 2008
dees-image: 19th beacon - cropped from previous upload - 20th april 2008
dees-image: multi exposure using picasa - people pic by jwm - seascape with headland pic by dees-image
dees-image: childhood memories
dees-image: altered reality - dedicated to dm at goolwa digital imaging group following his elements 6 tutorial showing how the extractor tool works
dees-image: saint pepper - is there a dog?
dees-image: photographer keeps distance from wild bird grafitti - victor harbor
dees-image: Royal Adelaide Show Digital Art Champion 2009 - Lindy Downing
dees-image: walking speed only - no jogging or running
dees-image: social archive - easter bunnies