Laura Rowan: Everything You Touch is Gold – Gregory Porter
Laura Rowan: “In every leaf, there's a whisper of autumn's magic.”
Laura Rowan: These are the days we dream of, when the sunshine paints the scene
Laura Rowan: Getting their steps in...
Laura Rowan: Bird, bird, bird. Bird is the word....
Laura Rowan: “Butterflies are nature’s angels. They remind us what a gift it is to be alive.” — Robyn Nola
Laura Rowan: No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. — William Blake
Laura Rowan: “Every leaf speaks bliss to me / Fluttering from the autumn tree.” — Emily Brontë, “Fall, Leaves, Fall”
Laura Rowan: Colors are the smiles of nature...
Laura Rowan: "If I were a bird, I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns” George Elliott
Laura Rowan: Grass is like nature's carpet, but without the vacuuming.
Laura Rowan: Colors are the smiles of nature. Leigh Hunt
Laura Rowan: Like birds landing together, and then dispersing, we are together for a very short time, so it makes sense to live in harmony, in unconditional friendship. Bokar Rinpoche
Laura Rowan: "The leaves are changing; I feel poetry in the air." – Laura Jaworski
Laura Rowan: Calling someone ugly will not make you pretty!
Rita Wiskowski: Groundhog at Bender Park
Ken Krach Photography: Moose in Motion
Ken Krach Photography: Munching Away in Wyoming
Ken Krach Photography: Wilson's Warbler in Wyoming
Ken Krach Photography: Marmot Among the Rocks
krisinct- Thanks for 22 Million views!: Sub Adult Bald Eagle 7_22
Ken Krach Photography: California Condor in Flight
Ken Krach Photography: Western Kingbird in Arizona
Roger Hickey: Whitetail Fawn
Ken Krach Photography: Navajo Roadside Artwork
Ken Krach Photography: Moosing Around in Medicine Bow
Ken Krach Photography: White-crowned Sparrow in Wyoming
Ken Krach Photography: Western Kingbird