Fawnzel Washington: Po-tay-toe Po-tah-toe
Fawnzel Washington: evolution of brothers
Fawnzel Washington: What a Man Should Know
Fawnzel Washington: Iss Gawzillaaaa!
Fawnzel Washington: Cats Developed the Ability to Shoot Lasers
Fawnzel Washington: Candy Nipple Tassles for the Bride-to-Be
Fawnzel Washington: My Brother Wears Depends
Fawnzel Washington: Whatchya doin' in my waters?
Fawnzel Washington: raven seagull
Fawnzel Washington: It's attached to your pole, Motha Licker.
Fawnzel Washington: Oh Sturdy? Jah, jah.
Fawnzel Washington: Eric likes boobs.
Fawnzel Washington: High-Five, Buddha!
Fawnzel Washington: Free Bird (seed)