deepstoat: Stuck
deepstoat: He's in for a long session
deepstoat: Fred meets his first dinosaur
deepstoat: Toby Jingles arrives
deepstoat: She's either playing hide and seek or having a nervous breakdown
deepstoat: Iceland - Whale watching
deepstoat: Iceland - Gull Beer
deepstoat: Woman with huge new ear-rings hurries home to try them on
deepstoat: You're all looking at her back, I like the creepy hand on the left
deepstoat: Two characters in search of an author
deepstoat: Exhausted Fred contemplates ball and the clean floors
deepstoat: Busted by Miss Haversham in McDonalds
deepstoat: Surely she could train the Dachshund to hold her wallet in its mouth?
deepstoat: This can only end badly
deepstoat: He said he was a notorious roadie for Primal Scream
deepstoat: Snap!
deepstoat: Juxtaposition
deepstoat: Coincidence or coordination?
deepstoat: Great New York Moustaches, Number 1
deepstoat: Come in, we're open. Lower East Side, NYC
deepstoat: You've heard of tickle me Elmo? This is the adult version, blow me Elmo
deepstoat: Shhhh, dragon passing by
deepstoat: Fall Of the Dinosaurs (part one)
deepstoat: Man with Cherubism? Danshui, Taiwan
deepstoat: And you may ask yourself, my God what have I done? Taipei, Taiwan
deepstoat: And relax. Jinguashi, Taiwan
deepstoat: Market fruit seller, Danshui, Taipei, Taiwan
deepstoat: Man practising Tai-chi adopts the notoriously difficult lamp-post pose
deepstoat: Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends
deepstoat: Fast asleep in the children's library