deepstoat: Holy Man and mystery hand, India
deepstoat: Night Fever, India (I think it was a Wednesday)
deepstoat: Creepy Santa and friends come to taunt me in prison, India.
deepstoat: Catapult salesman in India threatens to shoot me with catapult unless I buy aforementioned catapult
deepstoat: Indian girl who didn't suffer fools (ie me) gladly
deepstoat: Heartless gang of youths forcibly give small child a haircut and laugh while he cries for them to stop
deepstoat: Completely Busted by kid on the bus in India
deepstoat: Egg Seller - Kerela
deepstoat: Fish Seller- pondicherry India
deepstoat: More Egg selling in kerela
deepstoat: Indian Dog
deepstoat: Broken Glasses, India
deepstoat: Cow locked in staring competition with it's own shadow, India
deepstoat: Let Purple Reign - India
deepstoat: Emergency turban wrapping assistance, Jodphur India
deepstoat: That's all the major bodily fluids covered then? India.
deepstoat: Self portrait whilst being shaved, India
deepstoat: Looking up from under the devil's hoof, India
deepstoat: Man versus Goat, five rounds to the death (the goat won) India
deepstoat: Stick that in your pipe and smoke it - India
deepstoat: Stairway to heaven - Southern India
deepstoat: All teeth and no eyes, India
deepstoat: Angry kid, India
deepstoat: Busted for the umpteenth time, India
deepstoat: Indian man, Kerela
deepstoat: Tailor, Lucknow
deepstoat: As long as you're warm, that's all that counts
deepstoat: Amazing Indian knitwear, no 1 In an ongoing series
deepstoat: Apple seller and chai cup, Kolkata
deepstoat: Behind you!