deepgoswami: Starting the day's fishing
deepgoswami: One of the nets
deepgoswami: That boat is heavy!
deepgoswami: Nearly in the water..
deepgoswami: The net comes
deepgoswami: Cast off
deepgoswami: Everyone clambers on board
deepgoswami: Pulling in the net
deepgoswami: Pulling in the net
deepgoswami: Pulling in the net
deepgoswami: Pulling in the net
deepgoswami: Pulling in the net
deepgoswami: Pulling in the net
deepgoswami: Pulling in both ends of the net
deepgoswami: The net
deepgoswami: The net
deepgoswami: The net
deepgoswami: The net
deepgoswami: Bringing in the catch
deepgoswami: bringing in the catch
deepgoswami: IMGP2101
deepgoswami: Puliing in the net
deepgoswami: Auctioning off the catch
deepgoswami: DSC_0042
deepgoswami: auctioning off the catch
deepgoswami: Auctioning off the catch
deepgoswami: done for the day!
deepgoswami: The catch!
deepgoswami: IMGP2107
deepgoswami: The catch!