DeepFriedTwinkies: Freaking misnomer, that sign is
DeepFriedTwinkies: Enthusiasm
DeepFriedTwinkies: The Great Onion Festival Onion Eating Contest
DeepFriedTwinkies: They're fuzzy cause they were eating raw freaking onions
DeepFriedTwinkies: There you go. The Great Onion Festival.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Yeah, I bought em. Gave them to mom.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Walnuts. Not onions,
DeepFriedTwinkies: Drunken redhead
DeepFriedTwinkies: Belly contest
DeepFriedTwinkies: You know how hard it is to get grooms to pose?
DeepFriedTwinkies: More partay
DeepFriedTwinkies: One of these men is not like the others
DeepFriedTwinkies: Two Jerrys
DeepFriedTwinkies: Well there you go.