DeepFriedTwinkies: Yeah, we're hot. We know it.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Future Bald Spot
DeepFriedTwinkies: Chicken foot
DeepFriedTwinkies: Their kid is gonna have some freaky big shoulders
DeepFriedTwinkies: Boys being boys
DeepFriedTwinkies: We're related!
DeepFriedTwinkies: Eventually he got all of them on him
DeepFriedTwinkies: How many people does it take to light a birthday cake?
DeepFriedTwinkies: Mom swears she wasn't thinking about selling all of us for scientific experimentation
DeepFriedTwinkies: Yay! A bag!
DeepFriedTwinkies: The only way to get her to pose is to not tell her she's posing
DeepFriedTwinkies: The stool softener was gratefully received
DeepFriedTwinkies: Partied out
DeepFriedTwinkies: It's an insincere smile because she doesn't have wine in her yet.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Third plate.
DeepFriedTwinkies: That is one festive bastard
DeepFriedTwinkies: And the carnage begins
DeepFriedTwinkies: Channeling Cyclops
DeepFriedTwinkies: This is one pissed off festive man right here
DeepFriedTwinkies: Mom is explaining why she decided to not put onions in the tater salad
DeepFriedTwinkies: They're related
DeepFriedTwinkies: Sometimes wine is the only way to get through a night with us
DeepFriedTwinkies: If he had hair, it would indeed be blue
DeepFriedTwinkies: Nice to see she still has that "Old people talk stupid" look
DeepFriedTwinkies: Heather decided to give Kelly stool softeners for her birthday
DeepFriedTwinkies: Little dude is freaking huge
DeepFriedTwinkies: She was actually trying for the feral sister look