DeepFriedTwinkies: Freedom's just another word for time to steal a shoe
DeepFriedTwinkies: Camera shy
DeepFriedTwinkies: Why piddle in the cat box when you can do it right in FRONT of the cat box?
DeepFriedTwinkies: This guy is multi-talented!
DeepFriedTwinkies: Empty bladder. What to do, what to do....
DeepFriedTwinkies: Time to steal a shoe, by golly!
DeepFriedTwinkies: The thing is, he does this ALL DAY.
DeepFriedTwinkies: ...almost there
DeepFriedTwinkies: "Success! I am a mighty shoe stealing ferret GOD!!!!"
DeepFriedTwinkies: This was sad really. Watching him drag Cameron's shoe across the living room and be thwarted at the last minute.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Cameron's shoes smell like carrion.
DeepFriedTwinkies: So close, yet so much larger than the bottom of my computer desk
DeepFriedTwinkies: Ferrets eschew the normal laws of gravity
DeepFriedTwinkies: When physics and ferret brains collide, physics wins
DeepFriedTwinkies: It is an instinctive thing for the ferret to kill the tennis shoe by strangling the tongue
DeepFriedTwinkies: Honestly and seriously, I still can't find what the hell he did with this shoe.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Switching to hats was a happy time
DeepFriedTwinkies: Wiley channels an ostrich