DeepFriedTwinkies: We sold Cameron to the pot people. He seemed pleased.
DeepFriedTwinkies: There's supposed to be a stove here. Alas.
DeepFriedTwinkies: So much white......
DeepFriedTwinkies: Kitchen circa 1968
DeepFriedTwinkies: First thing, we're burning the light fixture
DeepFriedTwinkies: My bedroom closet. Maybe. If closing is not a myth.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Parachute jumping classes from the back porch will begin in the fall.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Push mower ain't gonna cut this. We need goats and lots of them.
DeepFriedTwinkies: The giant freaking boy in the low vegetation
DeepFriedTwinkies: The giant freaking hole in the corner of the yard.
DeepFriedTwinkies: The jungle which is the back yard.
DeepFriedTwinkies: Wall of ennui, west side
DeepFriedTwinkies: Wall of ennui, east side
DeepFriedTwinkies: 190 S 2nd St. If closing ever happens, this'll be my front porch.
DeepFriedTwinkies: well thank goodness we're all done now
DeepFriedTwinkies: thematically, this one didn't work as well as the furniture one did
DeepFriedTwinkies: Why yes, that is a musical do-rag. Thanks for calling.
DeepFriedTwinkies: they call it tree frog green. we call it kitchen walls.
DeepFriedTwinkies: roll cleaning
DeepFriedTwinkies: oops again
DeepFriedTwinkies: oops yet again
DeepFriedTwinkies: oops, i stepped in the paint tray
DeepFriedTwinkies: oops, i stepped in the paint tray part 2
DeepFriedTwinkies: Look carefully because it's the last time her room will look this clean
DeepFriedTwinkies: I kick ass at edging in case anyone was wondering
DeepFriedTwinkies: I also kick ass at laying down and painting in case anyone was wondering
DeepFriedTwinkies: my bedroom. and it's pumpkin, not brown.
DeepFriedTwinkies: I gave him the camera and told him to take pictures. This is what he did.
DeepFriedTwinkies: It's NOT pink, it's dusty rose, dammit.