Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): back of EEF ornament
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): Pumpkin Blossom Needlecase
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): inside of needlecase
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): bluebird pincushion
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): Bluebirds Message
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): No Bees, No Honey
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): Ladybugs & Bumblebees
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): counting magpies
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): closeup of spider roses
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): sparrow's song - an oldie!
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): bird in the hand
Deep Fried Cupcake (Andrea): tale of this and that