Squirrel Girl cbk: Trinitite on display
Squirrel Girl cbk: Interpretive sign
Squirrel Girl cbk: Interpretive sign
Squirrel Girl cbk: The monument
Squirrel Girl cbk: My visit to the Trinity site
Squirrel Girl cbk: Interpretive sign a the Trinity Site with an image of the original Gadget, loaded at the top of the tower
Squirrel Girl cbk: Interpretive sign for the Gadget and wiring
Squirrel Girl cbk: Part of the Gadget wiring
Squirrel Girl cbk: The brass detonators and strain gauges
Squirrel Girl cbk: A mockup of the Gadget with the wiring
Squirrel Girl cbk: Interpretive sign with the original tower
Squirrel Girl cbk: A mockup of the Gadget that the docent told me was used in a TV documentary
Squirrel Girl cbk: Mock up of the Trinity test tower