deepakframes: A child lives in the world of rainbow dreams..!
deepakframes: we can read the past in some old faces...!
deepakframes: THE FAITH!
deepakframes: The ultimate face of womanhood! - from KodungallurTemple Bharani Festival, Thrissur
deepakframes: her face is her Autobiography...!
deepakframes: The biography of a person must be read from his eyes, because that is the doorway to his heart...!
deepakframes: we cannot lie, we cannot hide anything, when he looks directly into our eyes...!
deepakframes: I don't care too much what happened in the past. I prefer to focus on what is coming next.
deepakframes: My camera clicked this, since my eyes got mesmerized by her beauty!
deepakframes: There's nothing more interesting than the story behind a human face...!
deepakframes: The face is more honest than the mouth will ever be ...!
deepakframes: There's nothing more interesting than the landscape of the human face...!
deepakframes: A smile is the universal welcome... :)