Brad the War Fiend: Prix Mobile Trophy
Brad the War Fiend: Laura Mihai at Prix Mobile Booth at Le Web
Brad the War Fiend: Prix Mobile Booth at Le Web
Brad the War Fiend: Kika Nicola at Le Web
Brad the War Fiend: Laura Mihai fumbling under the table
Brad the War Fiend: Laura Mihai can't find it but is looking for it
Brad the War Fiend: The long view
Brad the War Fiend: Discussion around iPad
Brad the War Fiend: Gallery view
Brad the War Fiend: Playing with mobile image kit
Brad the War Fiend: Gallery view with mobile image kit
Brad the War Fiend: Big TV showing website
Brad the War Fiend: Prix Mobile website on big TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection
Brad the War Fiend: Gallery with mobile camera equipment
Brad the War Fiend: Visitor with mobile camera equipment
Brad the War Fiend: Looking at Prix Mobile website
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV
Brad the War Fiend: Projection, TV