Brad the War Fiend: Screen shot 2011-08-21 at 21.14.28
Brad the War Fiend: Is this a gallery?
Brad the War Fiend: No tilt-shift
Brad the War Fiend: A. D. I. S. H. U.
Brad the War Fiend: A. D. I. S. H. U.
Brad the War Fiend: 600,000 Children
Brad the War Fiend: End of one month national mourning
Brad the War Fiend: Fredrikstad
Brad the War Fiend: Screen shot 2011-08-22 at 01.09.29
Brad the War Fiend: Screen shot 2011-08-22 at 01.11.02
Brad the War Fiend: Live #Libya
Brad the War Fiend: Is this a gallery?
Brad the War Fiend: Isthisamushroom?
Brad the War Fiend: The ghost that's always sneaking up on me.
Brad the War Fiend: Ghost remaining perfectly still, in order to pretend to be part of a photographic image.
Brad the War Fiend: Ghost hiding in an old television.
Brad the War Fiend: Horizon Rental: Impossible Skies #1
Brad the War Fiend: Impossible Skies #2
Brad the War Fiend: Impossible Skies #4
Brad the War Fiend: Impossible Skies #3
Brad the War Fiend: Impossible Skies #5
Brad the War Fiend: The Dark Side of Instagram
Brad the War Fiend: I screengrabbed this from Al Jazeera, therefore it is theft. Possibly justified by fair usage principle, and the creative way in which I have incorporated it with other collage elements. #IG_AntiTheft
Brad the War Fiend: Gone are the days #ig_antitheft
Brad the War Fiend: Resist the Hegemony of the Lens