Brad the War Fiend:
Mike in Tom Jackson's place
Brad the War Fiend:
Brad the War Fiend:
Mike ponders suburban subway art
Brad the War Fiend:
Brad the War Fiend:
Brad the War Fiend:
Brad the War Fiend:
Brad the War Fiend:
View across Rhein, Basel
Brad the War Fiend:
View across Rhein, Basel
Brad the War Fiend:
Ovomaltine Five Pack
Brad the War Fiend:
Swiss train graffiti
Brad the War Fiend:
Skull shop
Brad the War Fiend:
Ear sculpture
Brad the War Fiend:
MT Caps
Brad the War Fiend:
You ain't seen me move
Brad the War Fiend:
Fireman Hats
Brad the War Fiend:
Protective headgear old and new
Brad the War Fiend:
Then and Now: Firefighting Protection
Brad the War Fiend:
MIchael Nyman is Corbusier
Brad the War Fiend:
Cool Swiss crossing sign man
Brad the War Fiend:
Rudolf Wackernagel-Strasse
Brad the War Fiend:
Basel: the banana
Brad the War Fiend:
Train not stopping right now
Brad the War Fiend:
Swiss train fast red line
Brad the War Fiend:
I had to escape
Brad the War Fiend:
Lausen, isn't it
Brad the War Fiend:
Just past full moon
Brad the War Fiend:
Bride and Groom cake
Brad the War Fiend:
Say No! To Decoration Like This
Brad the War Fiend:
These are 2nd Class!