Wandering Dom:
( Before the intimacy )
Wandering Dom:
( For the Living )
Wandering Dom:
( Star Bright )
Wandering Dom:
( Take me back to the dream )
Wandering Dom:
( ... once upon a daydream ... )
Wandering Dom:
< The Ibiscus that wanted to be a rose >
Wandering Dom:
< Excuse me while I float in space >
Wandering Dom:
< Trolley Transfer >
Wandering Dom:
< Love Lunch of Life >
Wandering Dom:
< The hour was gettin' late >
Wandering Dom:
< Maybe dead FAKE Elvis can help MAGA ??!! >
Wandering Dom:
< She was not gonna miss the meeting of the biggest amount of happy people on the planet >
Wandering Dom:
< Shapes of new things to come >
Wandering Dom:
< Never lets me down >
Wandering Dom:
< It's only natural >
Wandering Dom:
< They'll come out swingin' eventually >
Wandering Dom:
< On this hot summer afternoon laziness was finding respectability >
Wandering Dom:
< The ladder will get us on the roof where it's peaceful as can be >
Wandering Dom:
< It's very strange to be going through this change with no idea of what it's been all about >
Wandering Dom:
< We bought 5 bell peppers , 1 lb of ripe vine tomatoes , 2 lbs of grapes , 5 fresh and plump figs and 1 lb of local raw honey >
Wandering Dom:
< Just walkin' the dog >
Wandering Dom:
< All that magic >
Wandering Dom:
< Sending out its fragrance even if no one is around to appreciate it >
Wandering Dom:
< Bonjour >
Wandering Dom:
< Stop and smell the roses they say >
Wandering Dom:
< One must have freedom and a little flower >
Wandering Dom:
< The fun is up there >
Wandering Dom:
< The games that umbrellas play >