Wandering Dom: They still build ships like they used to ...
Wandering Dom: On the way up ... looking down
Wandering Dom: Break time
Wandering Dom: Bringing back the Past in the Now
Wandering Dom: The slanted stern view
Wandering Dom: Yes Trish , those shipbuilders knew what they were doing
Wandering Dom: Talk'n 'bout very free, and easy
Wandering Dom: Now floating
Wandering Dom: Our ship has arrived
Wandering Dom: Safe harbor found
Wandering Dom: ( Wooden Ships )
Wandering Dom: ( Built to go where no ship had gone before )
Wandering Dom: ( Forward they went )
Wandering Dom: ( The living quarters were kind of tight but they were on a mission )
Wandering Dom: ( Meanwhile ... back in 1542 ... )