Wandering Dom:
You cannot replace a friend
Wandering Dom:
Wandering Dom:
The Path
Wandering Dom:
Erosion layers
Wandering Dom:
Les couleurs et les formes des rochers
Wandering Dom:
Free Tibet (#5) Paris France > par Arlette
Wandering Dom:
The Light
Wandering Dom:
Le jardin au coin de la rue
Wandering Dom:
A la recherche du Rose
Wandering Dom:
Detecting Pinkish and Reddish
Wandering Dom:
;-) Digital camera par excellence ;-)
Wandering Dom:
I saw the light at the end of The Crystal Pier ...
Wandering Dom:
Three Hot Peppers on Mars
Wandering Dom:
Looking at Papa
Wandering Dom:
Mamy et Papy
Wandering Dom:
A jewel inside the INS office
Wandering Dom:
Les Costumes de Venise
Wandering Dom:
Rome part one
Wandering Dom:
Rome part deux
Wandering Dom:
Aerospace Museum fly-by
Wandering Dom:
California coast ... LA is down there
Wandering Dom:
36000 feet high...cruising altitude reached !
Wandering Dom:
San Jose is down there
Wandering Dom:
Arlette's Sunrise
Wandering Dom:
Papa ...late 1950's
Wandering Dom:
Fog Ahead
Wandering Dom:
Still remaining
Wandering Dom:
Driving in the rain by a blue House
Wandering Dom:
Minutes before the Wild Boar encounter
Wandering Dom:
Tadasana revisited