// andreea //: OZONE
// andreea //: Allpress
// andreea //: Afterlight
// andreea //: Melissa :)
// andreea //: Ozone Coffee Roasters
// andreea //: Monocle Café
// andreea //: Northern Quarter
// andreea //: Leyas Coffee, Camden
// andreea //: If this strategy shit doesn't work out, I can always become a barista
// andreea //: Heatwave '12: Manchester before @ropiku went away
// andreea //: (happ)illy
// andreea //: Monocle Cardamom buns
// andreea //: Monocle cafe
// andreea //: STEAM
// andreea //: Coffee Collective
// andreea //: Espresso Library
// andreea //: The Barn
// andreea //: The Barn
// andreea //: Coffee Profilers
// andreea //: Coffee Profilers
// andreea //: The Barn