Dee_Wells: At Large
Dee_Wells: And Everywhere Bridges
Dee_Wells: Indecision Time
Dee_Wells: Canals everywhere
Dee_Wells: Moments Are Gifts
Dee_Wells: Fading Panorama
Dee_Wells: A 'Breather'
Dee_Wells: Port Morning
Dee_Wells: Palisade Line
Dee_Wells: Anticipation
Dee_Wells: Another Glorious Green Space
Dee_Wells: Port Line
Dee_Wells: To the Edge of the Sea
Dee_Wells: Early Morning Commute
Dee_Wells: They're Everywhere
Dee_Wells: Nothing But A Few Rocks
Dee_Wells: Clockhaven Market Square
Dee_Wells: Lonely Fountain
Dee_Wells: Everywhere A Clock
Dee_Wells: Another Tram Picture
Dee_Wells: Willy Didn't Make It Far...
Dee_Wells: Yet Another Self Portrait
Dee_Wells: Window Shopping
Dee_Wells: Greg Merryman Memorial
Dee_Wells: Giant Clarendon Antenna Thingy
Dee_Wells: Up To Here...
Dee_Wells: The New Seascape
Dee_Wells: Meeeeeeeesssssssshhhhhh
Dee_Wells: All quiet at the Cocoa
Dee_Wells: Quick Touch-up