dd21207: ©d drees 81-9 creation IV
dd21207: © d drees 81-7 creation II
dd21207: © d drees 80-21beyond the blues
dd21207: 80-24 dreamer
dd21207: IF Obsession
dd21207: ©d drees 1981-18 Ryder Moon
dd21207: 81-19 ryder moon 2
dd21207: ©d drees 1981 Ryder Moon III 20
dd21207: ©d drees 1981-21 ryder moon IV wc
dd21207: Night vision, watercolor ©d drees
dd21207: mockingbird music
dd21207: fast flying of us
dd21207: waves of flowers- one tile
dd21207: waves of flowers in repeat
dd21207: stream 2
dd21207: stream1
dd21207: Low hanging sun © D Drees
dd21207: IMG0069
dd21207: leaving
dd21207: levels
dd21207: Sky curtain- fancy roads
dd21207: Sky curtain- Sheep may safely graze
dd21207: IMG0034
dd21207: 75-6 je voudrais etre comme les nuages.
dd21207: and all is always now
dd21207: IF trail 75-7 14- coordinate interchange
dd21207: 75-9 14- etch&wc
dd21207: As above, so below
dd21207: As above so below
dd21207: 82-2b and God bless Baltimore