deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Arms+Armour - Shield Indian Wood Laquered by Amir Mohtashemi (2)
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Arms + Armour Round silver 4 layered and painted orange embossed brass button + Badges by Amir Mohtashemi (2)
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Vincent Valentine from Cossplay - Costume 218789253_895548654_n
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: White Rock Shooter fom Blk Rk Shooter - from Cossplay - Costume 462009253_529851222_n
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Officer Catlyn from Cosplay Costume 169253_1363473422_n
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Miss Fortune, lge of lgnds- from Cosplay Costume 590899253_527116906_n
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Gads Portal2 from Cossplay - Costume 0151300236079253_2023471315_n
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: from Cosplay Costume Calamity Jane - 3rd Blood- 56774253_3472488_n
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Edea Rock Finl Fntsyfrom Cosplay- COstume 00225919253_1186197992_n
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Diablo from Cosplay Costume 9253_1189835030_n
deDeanna's Simple Pleasures: Twin Towers B & W caption