deckwalker: Birds of Kabul - version 2
deckwalker: Birds of Kabul
deckwalker: Bleak Beauty
deckwalker: Burqas in the snow - version 2
deckwalker: Burqas in the snow
deckwalker: Ancient Blacksmiths
deckwalker: Istalif boy
deckwalker: Collecting water
deckwalker: Portrait of an Afghan man
deckwalker: Holga - Afghanistan
deckwalker: Bakery
deckwalker: Baking Bread
deckwalker: A carpet weaving story - 1
deckwalker: A carpet weaving story - 2
deckwalker: A carpet weaving story - 3
deckwalker: Kites in the graveyard
deckwalker: Nigel, Sherine and Mike looking out on Kabul
deckwalker: Resting at the top
deckwalker: Nigel on the wall
deckwalker: Father and Son
deckwalker: Washing Hands
deckwalker: White Beard
deckwalker: A quizzical regard
deckwalker: Self portrait
deckwalker: I am not Taleban
deckwalker: I am not Taleban
deckwalker: Ghosts walking
deckwalker: no pants
deckwalker: still smiling even though my house washed away