DECCgovuk: EdDavey visits BioRegional offices at BedZED development and is shown round by CEO Sue Riddleston
DECCgovuk: EdDavey meets Paul Burstow and Sutton Councillors at Heat network funding announcement
DECCgovuk: EdDaveyvisitsBioRegionalatBedZED and is greeted by BioRegional CEO Sue Riddlestone
DECCgovuk: EdDavey visits BedZed development and looks over heat network plans with BioRegional's Sue Riddelstone & Lewis Knight
DECCgovuk: EdDavey visits BedZED and looks over the council's Heat Network Plans for the area with Paul Burstow
DECCgovuk: EdDavey visits BedZED development
DECCgovuk: EdDavey visits BedZED development
DECCgovuk: EdDavey visits BedZED development in Surrey