Decaying December.: A bird's dreamscapes..
Decaying December.: past is an illusion
Decaying December.: Staring at the thought patterns of others
Decaying December.: There's no mirror of duality,only the reflection of Oneness!
Decaying December.: “If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.”
Decaying December.: Behind the blurry Sun..
Decaying December.: A journey towards Infinity..
Decaying December.: Sever the Ties and Go Beyond!!
Decaying December.: Under the shade of momentary solitude..
Decaying December.: "You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?"
Decaying December.: They gather at dusk
Decaying December.: Reviving an empty tree..
Decaying December.: The Truth shall free the Raven
Decaying December.: Unearthly Contemplation
Decaying December.: The state of Oneness
Decaying December.: Waiting for a mystical dawn
Decaying December.: wisdom flows through the branches of isolation
Decaying December.: they heard the voice of the Unknown through silence and solitude
Decaying December.: The knower is separate from the known..
Decaying December.: Beyond memory and veiled time