debunix: Squirrel TV up close
debunix: Stair ritual
debunix: what's under the blanket?
debunix: Snugglepusses
debunix: Will you give me a treat if I play with these?
debunix: Thank you, Santa but we already found our mittens!
debunix: You think you’re going where?
debunix: The devil inisde
debunix: 200314 Lap Cats IMG_0604
debunix: 200314 Lap Cats IMG_0605
debunix: 190928 Nebula DEBF0529 copy
debunix: 190926 Just Humboldt DEBF0404 ppd
debunix: 190924 Birdwatching DSCF0327 ppd
debunix: 190924 Humboldt DSCF0321 ppd
debunix: 190924 Birdwatching DSCF0316 ppd
debunix: 190922 Nebula hangs out DEB_0123 ppd
debunix: Hugging, or being hugged
debunix: Yin, yang
debunix: Little cat feet
debunix: Nebula Snores
debunix: Long tail roof beam cat
debunix: Pile o’kittens
debunix: Humboldt
debunix: Over the trauma
debunix: Axis of snorgling
debunix: 180406 Humboldt wants to play _DEB0581 copy
debunix: 180406 Humboldt wants to play _DEB0578 copy
debunix: 180406 Humboldt wants to play _DEB0575 copy
debunix: 183018 Air biscuits _DEB8803 ppd
debunix: 180311 Humboldt _DEB8699 ppd