debunix: The colors of ridges
debunix: Early light
debunix: Panamint range, Death Valley
debunix: Palm
debunix: Harmony Borax Works
debunix: Harmony Borax Works
debunix: View from the borax works
debunix: Mule team wagon
debunix: Mule team wagon
debunix: Mule team wagon
debunix: Brake
debunix: A sense of scale
debunix: Donkey Engine
debunix: Big wheels no longer turning
debunix: Wheel
debunix: Sense of scale ii
debunix: Dinah's wagons
debunix: Water's path
debunix: Colorful desert
debunix: Colorful desert
debunix: Not at all dead
debunix: Another face of the desert
debunix: The low ground
debunix: Painted desert
debunix: Panamints and dunes
debunix: Indian Pass
debunix: Strata eroding into alluvial pans
debunix: Ubehebe and surroundings
debunix: Stripes
debunix: Ubehebe crater