debunix: Raindrops
debunix: Essence of sunshine
debunix: Redbud leaves
debunix: Hairy fly butt
debunix: The road and the sky
debunix: Creek at Round Spring
debunix: Horses do make a landscape more beautiful
debunix: Green-eyed fly on flower
debunix: Jack's Fork
debunix: Roots
debunix: Spirals and crosses and starbursts, oh my
debunix: Ripples, above and below
debunix: Outflow
debunix: Bright eyes
debunix: Transition zone
debunix: Wet
debunix: Swing sifter, shift long over
debunix: Afternoon of the morning glory - 1
debunix: Underwater
debunix: Greeting the sun
debunix: Clouds and shadows at sunset
debunix: Bulging belly
debunix: Sinuous (vine)
debunix: You got a problem with that?
debunix: Reflections above and plants under the water
debunix: Foliage and flowers
debunix: Crop circles ii
debunix: Blue!
debunix: River
debunix: Bee butt, beetle butt