debstromquist: The logo for Buckledown Brewery in Lyons IL
debstromquist: An old farmhouse that had been vacant for quite some time
debstromquist: A huge flock of Canada geese
debstromquist: We drove by this farm & saw 2 bald eagles in this tree
debstromquist: Cloud Gate on a summer's day [Explore 1/3/22 #125]
debstromquist: Members of Scythian
debstromquist: The Spirit of Peoria at dock
debstromquist: The Murray Baker Bridge
debstromquist: Gary in front of the welcome banner
debstromquist: The Irish flag at the main entrance to the fest
debstromquist: Murray Baker Bridge all lit up in the colors of the Irish flag
debstromquist: Spirit of Peoria paddlewheel
debstromquist: Gary & Thor
debstromquist: The Midland & another barge were stalled there
debstromquist: The M/V Midland from the Port of Cincinnati Ohio
debstromquist: Packing up & going someplace cooler I would imagine
debstromquist: The drummer, Dave Barckow
debstromquist: She smiles a lot while she plays
debstromquist: From her show later that evening
debstromquist: The bassist, Lindsey Horner
debstromquist: Matt Mancuso, Eileen, & Buddy Connolly
debstromquist: I love her fiddle style
debstromquist: One of the things I like about Eileen's shows is that she gives background information about the songs she's about to play
debstromquist: A new band needs a new drum cover
debstromquist: Getting ready for the "unplugged" set in The Snug
debstromquist: I love these purple flowers
debstromquist: Meeting new Pepe's regulars
debstromquist: A peony
debstromquist: A peony