debstromquist: Doonbeg Castle
debstromquist: River Doonbeg
debstromquist: Surfers doing their thing on Lahinch Beach
debstromquist: Falls Hotel & Spa along side River Inagh
debstromquist: Looking towards The Cascades
debstromquist: Closer look at The Cascades
debstromquist: A view of The Cascades from a higher place & the 7 arches bridge that takes N67 over the River Ivagh
debstromquist: The Cascades
debstromquist: I just really don't think I'd be comfortable with this situation
debstromquist: New spring growth
debstromquist: A shot of Bronchostop will do the trick
debstromquist: A shot of the cascades from the restaurant's deck looking down river
debstromquist: Pretty spring flowers on the restaurant's deck
debstromquist: He's so "well-liked" where ever he goes....we drove by Trump's golf course outside of Doonbeg
debstromquist: Alas...the day before we drove back to Dublin to turn in the car this happened