debstromquist: I'm hoping for a "snow day" tomorrow
debstromquist: Snowy view between the townhouses next door
debstromquist: I've been watching this squirrel all day
debstromquist: My camera focused on the snowflakes instead of the squirrel
debstromquist: Poor guy
debstromquist: The squirrels usually walk on top of the wire, not underneath it
debstromquist: I missed him getting off the wire & back onto the tree branch
debstromquist: Gary shoveling the snow
debstromquist: One of the neighbors down the street shoveled the entire block with her little tractor
debstromquist: Pretty tree across the street
debstromquist: Radar Image at 16:50
debstromquist: My car this morning after the blizzard
debstromquist: So kind of the wind to keep a path clear for me to get in my car
debstromquist: My car looking rather odd