debstromquist: The McNulty Irish Dancers
debstromquist: A lot of these people were parents of the dancers
debstromquist: McNulty Irish Dancers
debstromquist: St Patrick
debstromquist: McNulty Irish Dancers
debstromquist: Packy is the boy on the right
debstromquist: McNulty Irish Dancers
debstromquist: Them's my guys
debstromquist: McNulty Irish Dancers
debstromquist: The McNulty Irish Dancers
debstromquist: A kilted young'n
debstromquist: Phil Cullen, proprietor, is in the middle
debstromquist: Some St Patrick's Day shenanigans
debstromquist: This guy was the only one dancing
debstromquist: Outside signage
debstromquist: It's almost spelled right
debstromquist: Storm clouds gathering
debstromquist: Storm clouds
debstromquist: Storm clouds
debstromquist: More storm clouds in Downers Grove
debstromquist: Looks like some a storm is coming in
debstromquist: The top of the street light is showing at the bottom of this photo of the storm cloud
debstromquist: A church light
debstromquist: It was almost midnight & people were still eating outside
debstromquist: Abstract window