debstromquist: This reminded me of the worm-type monster in the movie, "Tremors" (1990)
debstromquist: Another interesting find
debstromquist: Gary & Strider
debstromquist: Picture time
debstromquist: I can't help but think that it is not a coincidence that a lot of the land inside forest preserves area swampy
debstromquist: A view of the marshy spot that I never took before
debstromquist: Another view
debstromquist: This trail follows the slight rise of land to the right
debstromquist: Another marshy area
debstromquist: The trail went back to the old toboggan chute
debstromquist: The path the toboggans would take
debstromquist: Winter trees against an early spring sky
debstromquist: Gnarly branches
debstromquist: One of my favorite trees in the woods
debstromquist: The base of the trunk is getting quite large