debstromquist: Benet Academy in Lisle IL
debstromquist: A recent addition to the school
debstromquist: Eyes to the Skies Fest
debstromquist: Smoke filled bubbles
debstromquist: The Legacy Dance Studio dancers performed
debstromquist: IMG_6323
debstromquist: Yes I can-can
debstromquist: IMG_6332
debstromquist: Fest food
debstromquist: VanKampen Memorial Stage
debstromquist: Arched bridge
debstromquist: Stone wall
debstromquist: Geese in the East Branch of the DuPage River
debstromquist: Pedestrian bridge
debstromquist: I spy a Great Blue Heron
debstromquist: He flew to the other bank
debstromquist: Then he glided back
debstromquist: Fishing
debstromquist: Fishing
debstromquist: Flying away
debstromquist: Flying by
debstromquist: Bye-bye
debstromquist: Fountain
debstromquist: She actually wasn't the only woman I saw that had high heels on
debstromquist: The balloons are here
debstromquist: I hope he got some good shots up there in that cherry picker