debstromquist: The statue by Ferdinand Rebechini of Father Marquette, Louis Jolliet & their Indian guide
debstromquist: Depiction of Father Marquette
debstromquist: IMG_1554
debstromquist: A map of the old trails & fords in the area before it was settled
debstromquist: IMG_1561
debstromquist: IMG_1561
debstromquist: Trail to the place where the old explorers would enter the Des Plaines River & then go to the Illinois River which would then go to the Mississippi River which would go to the Gulf of Mexico & then the Atlantic Ocean....
debstromquist: This used to be the Des Plaines River, but the Sanitary & Ship Canal cut this branch of the river off
debstromquist: This used to be a branch of the Des Plaines River
debstromquist: This is now a pond & it was frozen solid
debstromquist: IMG_1571
debstromquist: My husband's foot, which is a bit smaller than this other footprint that was in the snow on the ice of the pond
debstromquist: The long shadows of late afternoon
debstromquist: There used to be a plaque here
debstromquist: Chicago Portage - The Waterway West
debstromquist: At the base of the sculpture
debstromquist: IMG_1593
debstromquist: IMG_1594
debstromquist: IMG_1597
debstromquist: The back of the sculpture
debstromquist: Information about the portage
debstromquist: The BP facility
debstromquist: We visited another forest preserve in the area called Arie Crown
debstromquist: Driving along the road in Arie Crown
debstromquist: U.S. Grant Memorial Highway