debstromquist: The visitors center's sign
debstromquist: The Stars & Stripes
debstromquist: The beautiful landscaping with the cafe beyond it
debstromquist: Doughboy statue
debstromquist: The inscription on the base of the statue
debstromquist: Inside the visitors center is a model of the grounds in the floor
debstromquist: This is on the outside of the museum
debstromquist: At the entrance
debstromquist: In the lobby are mannequins modeling uniforms that soldiers wore in past wars
debstromquist: American Civil War
debstromquist: From the Spanish-American War
debstromquist: Judging from the machine gun, I am guessing this is a WW1 uniform
debstromquist: A German uniform
debstromquist: This part of the museum is made to depict the French town of Cantigny during the war
debstromquist: A Schneider tank
debstromquist: War's destruction
debstromquist: I admired the detail of this section down to the floor looking like a muddy path
debstromquist: Information about the battle
debstromquist: The importance of the periscope
debstromquist: A gas mask
debstromquist: A photo of life in the trenches
debstromquist: Some personal items of a soldier
debstromquist: What would be in a soldier's trunk
debstromquist: Surgeons' surgical instruments
debstromquist: Close up of the surgical instruments
debstromquist: Information about the unique medical challenges of WW1
debstromquist: This is supposed to depict what a "hospital" might look like in the trenches
debstromquist: The way they communicated
debstromquist: An officer's quarters