debstromquist: Looking south on my way to work
debstromquist: This was the storm the following pictures are of
debstromquist: Looking north
debstromquist: Looking very menacing
debstromquist: We are on the very edge of a powerful thunderstorm
debstromquist: I stood up from my cubicle & this is what I saw
debstromquist: Shelf cloud
debstromquist: The dark clouds are finally over us
debstromquist: Scud clouds
debstromquist: Scud clouds
debstromquist: My only lightning picture
debstromquist: I like how the windows are reflecting the lighter skies out west
debstromquist: Looking northeast
debstromquist: Looking northeast
debstromquist: Storms on June 19th
debstromquist: Looking east
debstromquist: There were a lot of cloud to ground lightning flashes in this section, but I just couldn't capture one
debstromquist: Now there appears to be a fire in the neighborhood
debstromquist: Looking north
debstromquist: Interesting clouds
debstromquist: Lombard's water tower stands out against the dark skies
debstromquist: This kind of looked like a wall cloud, but I don't think it was
debstromquist: It was dark enough for the street lights to come on