The Travelling Leithers: Terminal morraine, Rum
The Travelling Leithers: Keiron about to jump over the raging burn, Rum
The Travelling Leithers: Three cups of tea, one tea-bag!
The Travelling Leithers: Eigg with no clouds on the tops!
The Travelling Leithers: Sheep pens, Rum
The Travelling Leithers: A bit too far to get drift wood!
The Travelling Leithers: John up on high
The Travelling Leithers: Nice lochan, Rum!
The Travelling Leithers: Looking out to the USA!
The Travelling Leithers: Blue skies over Dibidil, Rum
The Travelling Leithers: Eigg in the background from the bothy window
The Travelling Leithers: Keiron happy with his choice of yellow lilo
The Travelling Leithers: John and Keiron outside the bothy with lilos
The Travelling Leithers: John and his pink lilo
The Travelling Leithers: Dibidil bothy, Rum
The Travelling Leithers: John and Keiron lead the way
The Travelling Leithers: John at the back of the ferry, bracing!
The Travelling Leithers: Waiting for the ferry to Rum
The Travelling Leithers: On the way to Dibidil bothy on Rum
The Travelling Leithers: Mallaig harbour, just a little rain