SchnauzerDebs: ''That's too big for a Heron Egg !!''
SchnauzerDebs: Heron, coming in to land
SchnauzerDebs: Mother Goose and Goslings
SchnauzerDebs: Grey Heron fishing
SchnauzerDebs: Grebe, fishing for lunch
SchnauzerDebs: Grey Heron, fishing
SchnauzerDebs: Grey Heron, at YSP
SchnauzerDebs: (Ryan ) Gosling
SchnauzerDebs: Family Outing
SchnauzerDebs: Outing to the river
SchnauzerDebs: Damselfly
SchnauzerDebs: Erwin Wurm at YSP
SchnauzerDebs: Erwin Wurm at YSP
SchnauzerDebs: Erwin Wurm at YSP
SchnauzerDebs: Erwin Wurm at YSP
SchnauzerDebs: Erwin Wurm at YSP
SchnauzerDebs: Colony of Comorants
SchnauzerDebs: ''Winter Fuel''
SchnauzerDebs: Swan / autumn hues
SchnauzerDebs: Pair of Ducks in autumn
SchnauzerDebs: ''Punk'' Grebe
SchnauzerDebs: Autumn Grebe
SchnauzerDebs: Henry Moore / Sculpture at YSP
SchnauzerDebs: Under the boardwalk...
SchnauzerDebs: New exhibition at YSP
SchnauzerDebs: Damselfly
SchnauzerDebs: New sculpture at YSP