Deborah Stevenson:
Stacked up on the ferry
Deborah Stevenson:
Stacked up on the ferry #2
Deborah Stevenson:
Seats and shadows
Deborah Stevenson:
Seats and shadows #2
Deborah Stevenson:
Seats and shadows #3
Deborah Stevenson:
Seats and shadows #4
Deborah Stevenson:
Seats and stripes
Deborah Stevenson:
Across the aisle
Deborah Stevenson:
Seated back to back
Deborah Stevenson:
Close-up on the ferry
Deborah Stevenson:
Enhanced seating on the ferry
Deborah Stevenson:
Enhanced, vertical seating
Deborah Stevenson:
Seating in shadow and light
Deborah Stevenson:
Seats in shadow, at an angle
Deborah Stevenson:
Smoke Stacks, Island Home ferry