Deeber71: Great Blue Heron profile
Deeber71: Catch of the Day!
Deeber71: IMG_4810
Deeber71: Reflection
Deeber71: Winter's last hurrah
Deeber71: Winter magic
Deeber71: Pewter and White
Deeber71: I think I'm getting the 'evil eye'...
Deeber71: Formidable
Deeber71: Blue Ice
Deeber71: 50 Shades of Grey with Blue Ice
Deeber71: Shards of glass
Deeber71: Cool Ice shards
Deeber71: Do blondes have more fun?
Deeber71: Mr. Blue jay rockin' a new 'do'!
Deeber71: Blondie
Deeber71: Snow Moon and the Snowy Owl
Deeber71: The perfect tree topper!
Deeber71: Fly me to the Moon...
Deeber71: Winter beauty
Deeber71: ACHOO!!
Deeber71: Talk to the hand...
Deeber71: Dear God...please bring me a squirrel for dinner.
Deeber71: Owl be stoic today...
Deeber71: Mother Nature's art
Deeber71: Mother Nature's ice sculptures
Deeber71: Serpent of the Lake
Deeber71: Nature's canvas
Deeber71: Go fly a kite!
Deeber71: IMG_3806