ḋạḳọṭạ: I needed a new hobby
ḋạḳọṭạ: you're just a fraud behind a mirror
ḋạḳọṭạ: here we are again with handguns for hearts
ḋạḳọṭạ: creative process.
ḋạḳọṭạ: wait for business
ḋạḳọṭạ: and they just won't know your name
ḋạḳọṭạ: the faint tribute- symptom finger
ḋạḳọṭạ: log out; and the words fade to black
ḋạḳọṭạ: everyone loves a diptych with the faint!
ḋạḳọṭạ: off the air
ḋạḳọṭạ: bizarre, but he died how?
ḋạḳọṭạ: trip fontane.