ḋạḳọṭạ: poor lady can't get outta her front door
ḋạḳọṭạ: and the power lines
ḋạḳọṭạ: poor house.
ḋạḳọṭạ: a teacher's truck @ the elementary school... you should've seen the other cars
ḋạḳọṭạ: forest damage [day 80/365]
ḋạḳọṭạ: [day 81/365]
ḋạḳọṭạ: imagine looking through your window and having this a foot away from it.
ḋạḳọṭạ: closed off
ḋạḳọṭạ: the lines are all fried & disconnected & >assesments< MIGHT be done in 72 hours..
ḋạḳọṭạ: just more damage.
ḋạḳọṭạ: this thing is huge. thkfully the mom & kid were ok.
ḋạḳọṭạ: completely uprooted.
ḋạḳọṭạ: feel so bad for the teacher of this car.
ḋạḳọṭạ: haha!! unsurprised..
ḋạḳọṭạ: on the flippin' house
ḋạḳọṭạ: swamp. yuck
ḋạḳọṭạ: my house is a fire hazard.
ḋạḳọṭạ: my poor house. notice the powerline