ḋạḳọṭạ: edumakashun [day 40;365} {secret 1;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: boo, chlorine! {secret 2;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: ketchup in the washing machine [day 42;365}{secret 3;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: I'm the reason you have no matching socks [day 43;365}{secret 4;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: a story about my F's {day 5;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: weather [day 46;365}{secret 7;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: yum {secret 8;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: hypocritical [day 48;365}{secret 9;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: [day 49;365}{secret 10;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: moonbow {secret 11;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: not my mess! {secret 12;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: just for enjoyment {secret 13;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: once upon a time {secret 14;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: die-hard sox fan [day 54;365}{secret 15;365]
ḋạḳọṭạ: amaxophobia [day 55;365}{secret 16;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: not afraid {secret 17;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: no ice, please {secret 18;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: hand-sewing [day 58;365}{secret 19;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: I don't cross my A's but I slash my O's {secret 21;365]
ḋạḳọṭạ: [day 61;365}{secret 22;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: dakota {secret 24;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: ugh [day 64;365}{secret 25;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: chef ramsay {day 26;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: YOUR MUSIC IS KILLING ME [day 66;365}{secret 27;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: -enter fancy title here- [day 67;365}{secret 28;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: kodak runs in the family [day 71;365}{secret 2;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: injured [day 73;365}{secret 4;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: mobster [day 77;365}{secret 8;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: bandaid {secret 10;30]
ḋạḳọṭạ: whoahands? [day 80;365}{secret 11;30]